Wuntu is a brand new app, from Three, that delivers personalised offers, content and rewards to your mobile, every week. The stuff you want, the things you enjoy doing, when and where you want them. Like travel? Wuntu can offer you a chance to win a free flight to Europe. Enjoy a read? Wuntu can show you pre-release chapters from upcoming novels. Waiting for a train? Wuntu can shout you a free drink. Or a pizza. Wuntu’s treat.
Wuntu is limited edition trainers, straight from the designer, before anyone else gets to know. It’s free yoga classes or beauty treatments (if you’re into that kind of thing). And it’s much, much more besides. Over time it will learn what you like – so it won’t bother you with pointless stuff.
Wondering how? Well, the more you use Wuntu, the better it gets at knowing what you want. It’s a curious app; it’ll ask you questions so it can get to know you better. It’ll keep an eye on what you show interest in, when, and where, and remember it – so that next time something good becomes available, you’ll be first to know. Wuntu’s good like that.
All you need is your mobile, and the Wuntu app, which you can download for free.